27 Nov 2014, 15:27

P-38 - Easy Thanksgiving morning ride

A little chilly this morning but a beautiful sunny ride on the P-38.

Wearing some new wool clothing:

Being winter I’m wearing the socks on every ride now.



bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/223765003

16 Jan 2014, 08:19

P-38 Easy ride to Salado

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season combined with getting the flu twice really put the hurt on my ability to get some good rides in.

Looks like things might be getting back to normal soon.

A few days ago I took the fairing off the F-40 and performed spring tune up on the bike. I’ve left the fairing off for a couple of days while I shake out any tune up bugs.

Good ride today to Salado. Met up with Brian Buckmaster on his ICE Vortex trike and rode with him round trip.


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/activity/431168401



23 Sep 2013, 02:04

P-38 Easy ride to Blue Hole


Beautiful day for an easy recovery ride to the Blue Hole today.


Put the fairing back on the bike for tomorrows ride.

Removed the dual kickstand.

05 Sep 2013, 21:14

P-38 Medium ride

Just a nice easy ride on the P-38 this morning. Looks like I’m finally recovering from HHH. Maybe tomorrow, or Saturday, I’ll put the fairing back on and start riding the F-40.

