31 May 2014, 21:04

Homemade Sports Drink

I looked online at several recipes for mixing your own sports drink and finally settled on one that has worked out pretty good.

The recipe for a four hour bottle is:

3.0 cups of water
2.0 cups of maltodextrin (1000 calories)
3/4 scoop GNC chocolate flavored whey protein (100 calories)
6 capsules of Hammer Endurolyte Extreme 

Bring the 3 cups of water to almost a simmer. 
Pull the 6 endurolyte capsules apart and empty the contents into the water.
Put the scoop of chocolate whey protein into the water.
Slowly stir in the 2 cups of maltodextrin making sure it fully dissolves.
Once fully dissolved pour into a 26 oz water bottle.

Do this the night before the ride and put in the refrigerator overnight so it will be cold the day of the ride.

Drink 1/4 of the bottle every hour on the hour.
This will give you about 275 calories per hour and the necessary endurolytes.
You will need to drink at least 8 oz of water when you drink the 1/4 bottle, otherwise the osmolality of the maltodextrin is too high for your stomach.

It turns out that there are a couple of non-obvious things involved when mixing up the drink.

The total time to make the mix is about 5 minutes.

Use your water bottle to measure the amount of water required.

Fill the water bottle you are going to use up to an inch from the top with water. All of the other ingredients are going to dissolve in the water and hence not add any volume to the mix. You want to leave an inch of space at the top of the bottle so that you can shake the bottle contents easily when you are done.

Pore the water into a pan an place on high heat.


While the water is heating gather your ingredients together.


Pull the capsules apart over the heating water and let the capsule contents empty into the pan. The instructions I found on-line said 4 capsules but I sweat a lot so I’m using 6 capsules in my mix.


Now add about a scoop of whey protein. The measuring scoop comes with the whey protein and is usually just resting on the top of the whey when you first open the whey container.


Once the water starts coming to a simmer you can add the maltodextrin. You will need a whisk to constantly stir the water while adding the maltodextrin. I add 1/2 a cup at a time while stirring. Wait for the 1/2 cup to dissolve before adding another 1/2 cup. I use 2 cups total of maltodextrin.


Once the mixture is fully dissolved (you may have some small chunks of protein) pore the mixture into the bottle. Make sure the top is fully closed and then shake the bottle pretty good. Before putting the bottle in the refrigerator you will need to open the top. If you forget to open the top before putting the bottle in the refrigerator then in the morning the bottle will be crushed because the hot expanded mixture will shrink while it cools and collapse the bottle because air cannot get in through the top.


Probably the hardest part of all of this is remembering to make the mixture the day before so that it will be cold the day of the ride.

Interestingly enough when I ordered the Hammer capsules they also sent me a bunch of samples of their other stuff.

One thing was their Hammer Recoverite Drink.

Looking at the back of the package it has the exact same ingredients used in my sports drink.

The difference is that the Hammer Recoverite costs $3.25 per package and the equivalent amount of my sports drink costs $0.13 cents.

19 May 2014, 04:33

Another big tailwind, another lost KOM

These tailwinds just have to just stop.

Another day, another 18 mph tailwind gusting to 26 mph, and another professional triathlete beats my Strava KOM by 7 seconds.

This old fat guy is starting to get perturbed.




02 May 2014, 02:41


In getting organized for the GASP ride (a precursor for the ‘24 Hours in the Canyon’ race) I created a charging station for all the electronics I’ll be taking on the bike.

To be fair, the iPad mini will not be on the bike. For the GASP ride I’ll put the iPad mini in my backpack that the organizers will drop off in Shiner. This way I’ll be able to surf the web while drinking beer at the brewery.

Also, for the GASP ride I will not need the helmet light or headlight.

Yes, it appears as if I am a belt and suspenders kind of guy.


I really like the lupine Piko helmet light. I might end up ordering the lupine Betty for the front of the F-40. I need to do some night riding next week to see how the current setup works with just the NiteRider 650 and the Piko.

The checklist:

  • iPhone
  • iPod nano w/open air earphones
  • iPad mini
  • ankr battery charger small blue
  • ankr battery charger large
  • dinotte red rear tail light
  • lupine piko helmet light (1200 lumens)
  • niterider 650 lumens headlight
  • garmin edge 800
  • garmin VIRB

I also have some additional duplicate backup items for the ‘24 Hours in the Canyon’ ride:

  • niterider 650 lumens headlight
  • dinotte red rear tail light
  • ankr battery charger large

14 Apr 2014, 21:42

Preparation for 24 Hours in the Canyon

Six weeks until the ‘24 Hours in the Canyon’ race.

This blog contains things I need to accomplish before the race.

Currently this blog entry is not organized very well - over time I will turn it into a comprehensive list of things I’ve had to do to prepare for the 24 hour race.


I need to gradually build up my on bike time so that I can ride 8+ hours without any problems.

Practice riding at night with new lights.

Get Nike shoes from closet and practice wearing for walk up hill.

Train with new sports mix.

Practice the granny gear on a really steep hill - maybe to go Eagles Nest hill.

Night Lighting

What a difficult subject. My last experience at 24 Hours in the Canyon showed how inexperienced I was with night lighting. Just like any other aspect of bicycling you need to try different things out before the race to find what works and what does not.

The problem is getting a big enough light to ride at 35 mph to see far enough ahead while still having enough battery life to have the light on for 8 hours.


Transition to iPhone for bicycle computer.

Reflective vest for bike w/ mesh pockets for food. (or side pockets)

Adjust shoes for toe-in. (done)

Fix the mounting of the heads-up display and windshield. (done)

Bike Changes

Reflective tape for front fairing. Reflective cloth for rear spandex fairing.

Oil chain. (done)

Mount tail lights (need bracket).

Adjust the rear brake to have less pull in.

Build tailbox from coroplast and anchor with tie-wraps and seal with ducktape.

Mount water bottles on F-40 for sports drink mix.

Change to Kojaks with Stan’s No-Flats



  • Another 400R tail light from DiNotte (done)
  • Lupine Headlight and Helmet lights.
  • Sports Mix (done)
  • 3M Yellow Reflective Tape (done)
  • Speedplay zero grease gun (done)

Checklist for pre-travel preparations.

– placeholder

Create list of things to carry on bike for first 100 mile loop.

  • sun screen
  • light weight Nike running shoes
  • iPhone
  • two large Ankr batteries

Checklist for on-bike Hydration and Nutrition

  • GU Roctane Gels (6)
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Homemade sports drink mix (enough for 8 hours)
  • Cliff bars (6)
  • 50 oz Camelbak

Checklist for the on-bike toolkit.

  • Air pump
  • CO2 cartridge (2) w/dispenser
  • Enough tools to tighten faring
  • 2 front tubes
  • 2 rear tubes
  • 1 boot
  • tire irons (2)
  • patch kit

Ride Clothes - During the day it is very hot.

  • Nike running shorts
  • Nike running shirt
  • Bike socks (4 pairs)

Ride Clothes - At night it is cold

  • long sleeve yellow hi-vis shirt
  • normal running shorts
  • biking cap for under my helmet

14 Apr 2014, 09:09

Hydration and Nutrition

Due to my severe leg cramps I’m going to try making my own nutrition sports mix.

Got this receipe off the internet:

Hey hobkirk, maybe I can help give you a place to start from...

I did five double centuries last year and am mid way through an SR (200K, 300K, 400K and 600K) this year on my own maltodextrin mix. I've never had any stomach problems or bonks while using this mix. The ingredients and proportions are similar to Perprtuem. I chose this mix based on my experiences with Hammer Nutrition products. I liked the products but with the hours I was putting in on the bike I couldn't handle the cost any more. Fuller details on the science behind the mix can be found here.

I order 50 pound bags of malto from here for just $50. 
I order bulk 150 Serving Endurolyte powder from Hammer Nutrition.
And I use Soy Protein 95 from my local GNC shop.

My recipe for a four hour bottle:

2.5 cups of maltodextrin (1200 calories)
3/4 scoop GNC soy protein (I found chocolate to work well in all temps) (100 calories)
4 scoops of Endurolyte powder (or empty four capsules if that's all you have)

The powder fills up a regular water bottle 3/4 of the way but the first bit of water you add dissolves it all. The first time you do it you'll swear that there is too much powder to dissolve.

I've experimented with various sources for the soy. GNC soy was the only soy powder that I found that fully and easily dissolved. For rides shorter than four hours I have left out the soy. It is bland but still palatable. Personally I don't take any fuel for rides 2 hours or less, and a full malto mix for longer rides just because it tastes a bit better with the chocolate soy.

I start with a full bottle and then I put powder for 4 hours each into more baggies depending on the length of my ride. The thin sandwich zip locks baggies work great. Just bite the corner off the bag and you have a built in funnel. Put your pile of full baggies in a gallon size heavy duty zip loc bag because you don't want that powder leaking all over everything. I can comfortably carry two four hour baggies in one jersey pocket. For longer rides I have a Caradice bag I'll mount I put them in that.

That gives me about 325 calories per hour. You'll need to experiment with what works for you. I suggest starting with 2 cups of malto instead of 2.5 and seeing how that works. That would yield 265 calories per hour. I recently added the extra 1/2 cup and that seems to be better for me. (5'10, 180 lb, 49 years old, 200K in the middle of the pack type of rider)

I drink 1/4 of a bottle of the mix every hour on the hour along with 1/3 to 1/2 bottle of water. Without the water the osmolality of the malto is too high for the stomach to efficiently absorb it. You'll get that lead-weight-in-the tummy feel then. Since my Rando bike has three bottle cages (1 for malto and 2 for water) I can usually go three to four hours between stops.

On some of my Death Valley rides I experimented with adding a pinch of sea salt but now I just carry Endurolyte capsules and pop a few of those every few hours. I'm still tweaking that.

I've never much experimented with mixing this concoction with other "real" foods on a ride. I don't ride for gastronomical reasons. Taking fueling off the table as a concern on really long rides is more important to me than variety. YMMV.

Ordered all the stuff today. Should be trying it out this weekend.

I’ll probably be drinking more water than suggested though.




Update April 17th, 2014

Well I finally got all the stuff in to make the sports drink.

Tell you what - 50 pounds of maltodextrin is a big bag o’stuff.

If you put all the ingredients into a 24 oz bicycle water bottle there is hardly any room left for water.

I filled the bottle with very hot tap water but much of the maltodextrin would not dissolve and it was just a clumpy mess.

I emptied the bottle into a pot had had to almost bring the mixture to a boil, while constantly stirring, before the everything finally dissolved.

Pored the mixture back into the water bottle and put into the fridge for overnight cooling.

Tasted a little - seems pretty good.

14 Apr 2014, 05:02

No riding lately - bad leg cramps

The cramping at the Liberty Hill Spokes ’n Spurs ride was worse than I thought.

Leg bruise finally came to the surface on Sunday from Saturday’s cramp fest two miles from the end of the Liberty Hill Spokes ’n Spurs bicycle ride. Darn, no wonder it hurt like mad.


I’ve been laid up for a week now recovering. Easy stretching, gentle massage and a couple of slow easy rides on the trike. One 10 minute ride on the TiAero last Thursday to make sure I did not pull any muscle.

Another easy trike ride on Saturday.

Now it is time to start training in earnest for some big rides coming up in the next few weeks.

26 Feb 2014, 04:32

Goodbye Optima Baron

Well, I sold the BatBike.

The Baron was a fun bike, always lots of comments at rides, I put almost 1,000 miles on it.

The summer of 2012 was big time Baron:

  • Katy Flatland 100 Mile Century ride in just under 6 hours averaging 17.1 mph for the 100 miles.
  • Austin to Shiner GASP ride - 100 miles
  • Georgetown Poppy Ride - 86 miles
  • Bosque Tour de Norway - 43 miles
  • Tour d’Italia - 40 miles
  • Vineyard Tour de Florence - 63 miles
  • Tour de Longneques - 36 miles
  • Several training rides of 27.2 miles averaging over 18 mph (never quite made 19 mph).

It went to a great home - congrats Billy Younts!


24 Feb 2014, 19:40

How to find local charity rides (TX)

During the HOT Rally I was ask how do I find out about all the rides I go to?

Well there are several websites I visit to build a ride calendar for myself.

I have these bookmarked under a single tab on my browser.



Information about rides all across Texas organized by date.



Mainly focuses on the DFW area but does have rides all across Texas.

Click thru to the 2014 Calendar.



Lots of detail about rides within a 500 mile radius of DFW including AR, OK and LA.

Mainly focuses on very flat rides in the Houston area. Very fast rider on a low-racer.

Search the archives to find prior yearly rides the current calendar sites to find the dates for this year.



Mostly rides in the Austin TX area. Some very big rides far away.