10 Nov 2014, 23:30

Carbent - Windy ride!

What a windy day!

Winds 24 mph gusting to 28 mph.

Beautiful sunny day. Very fast ride to Salado with Brian Buckmaster. Very slow clawing our way back against the monster headwind.

Road the Carbent and actually beat the Quest KOM on the IH35 north access road because of the monster tailwind. I wasn’t even pushing it, mainly just coasting with the wind.




bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/217829517


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/630581843

31 Oct 2014, 03:14

Carbent - First ride 65.4 miles @ 16.0 mph

Maiden voyage on the Carbent this morning to Salado and back with Brian. 65.4 miles at 16.0 mph and 2,219 calories. What a smooth riding bike and a beautiful day for a ride.

It says something about a bike when on the very first ride you can just hop on it and ride 100K.

Nice tailwind coming back from Salado.

The Bike

The bike was configured and setup by a professional.

It is Jim Verheul’s old bike (2012). I bought it a few weeks ago just before trike riding Key Largo to Key West. Jim waited to ship it until I got back. Just received it Tuesday. I’m learning a lot just from examining how this Carbent is configured.

It has a PowerTap power meter. First time I’ve every ridden with a power meter. I like it, it helps to keep my power at a constant sustainable level. However, my legs are now extremely sore after the first ride.

My legs must be longer than Jim’s - I’ve had to extend the boom out and raise the handlebars some.

The seat recline is so extreme I immediately ordered a headrest from Bent-Up Cycles after the first ride.


Ride Impressions

The ride is smooth. High end Michelin Pro 25-622 tires front and back, and definitely a latex tube on the rear tire, makes for a very smooth ride.

Fast, precise, shifting.

Fast acceleration.

Hard to balance at speeds below 6 mph. I need to lean forward (upwards) when starting out to have easier balance at slower speeds.

Great gearing combination.


bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/213934562


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/605180125