03 Aug 2013, 07:42

F-40 Picked up the P-38 from Easy Street Recumbents

Pick up P-38 from ESR

Before having the bike shop up on the fairing I decided to ride the bare F-40 as a P-38 for a couple of days to get a feel for the bike.

The P-38 is a very compact bike - fit easily into the back of the minivan.

I just cruised around the neighborhood for about 40 minutes getting used to starting, stopping, clipping and unclipping.

Very comfortable bike. So far I’m liking it better than my Musashi.

Garmin Connect http://connect.garmin.com/activity/352836085

15 Jul 2013, 07:42

F-40 Visiting the Lightning Cycle Dynamics Factory

In mid-July while travelling through California I was able to stop in Lompoc CA and visit the Lightning Cycle Dynamics factory.

Here is Tim Brummer and I holding the nose cone of my soon to be F-40.

Tim Brummer

The F-40 was being built so various pieces of it were in different sections of the factory.

Here is the tail frame assembly: (notice the Lightning X-2 hanging from the ceiling)

P-38 bare frame parts hanging before being painted yellow

The P-38 frame had just been powder coated and pieces were hanging from a drying rack:

Tail cage assembly

Visiting the factory was very cool!

Thanks Tim and company for showing me around.