22 Mar 2014, 05:33

Ti-Aero First Ride Impressions

At the HOT Rally I bought this Bacchetta Ti Aero. About 22 lbs with 650c lightweight wheels.

A couple of days ago I was able to ride the bike a little around the neighborhood and dial-in the fitting.

Today I went on my first long ride with it - 51 miles. Faster than my other non-faired bikes (Musashi, Baron, P-38). Slower than the F-40.

Once fitted, it is an extremely easy bike to ride. Coasts like crazy and solid as a rock.

This will be my ride-with-others bike. The F-40 is a leave-others-in-the-dust bike.


Nice easy ride to Salado and back (mostly) with Brian Buckmaster.

Since I’m so out of shape I mostly coasted whenever I could.