What a blast the Heart of Texas (HOT) Recumbent rally was!
The fast ride (Warrior ride) consisted of two velomobiles and two F-40 streamliners.
With no other uprights, or unfaired recumbents along, the pace was quite brisk. Even counting the time we stopped to help other people, the rest stop and a tire change we still averaged 15.5 mph for the 35 mile ride.
This is the first time I have ever ridden with a group that had the same ride dynamics as myself. Never a rest on this ride. Usually when I get to the bottom of a hill everyone else is a LONG WAY behind me. Today everyone was right on my butt - time to keep peddling. Fortunately the F-40 is significantly lighter than the Quest so I was able to recover while climbing the next hill.
On the way back from Coupland there was a significant headwind, maybe 10 to 12 mph. I wasn’t really paying much attention to the wind because everyone else on the ride was just easily keeping up with me running about 18 mph directly into the wind. After a few miles I noticed we were catching an upright group that had left the reststop about 20 minutes before us. They must have been struggling riding directly into the 12 mph headwind. I think they had to have been doing less than 9 mph because we caught and passed them pretty easily. Aerodynamics rule!
The starting group (left to right):
- Dan Hansen : Lightning F-40
- Steve Wood : Quest Velomobile
- Carl Murdock : Lightning F-40
- Suzanne Teshera : Quest Velomobile

The ride was incredibily scenic.
Although, other people who saw our vehicles must have been really confused.
Suzanne took a great picture of Carl and I riding up towards the New Sweden Church:

And the very funny facebook comments from non-recumbent riders:

Some good pictures by Carl Murdock:

By the numbers: