This was my second ride with the race cap on the quest.
Yesterday I clean some of the garage and prepared the quest for today’s ride.
My legs were still sore this morning from Fridays 100k on the Carbent, but I thought I should at least get in some miles to loosen the legs and maybe try to attack some of the strava KOMs.
The winds would be against me (8 mph headwind) but I was wanting to see if the race cap would make up for it.

Started out pretty slow. Took a while for the legs to loosen up. The speed difference between Friday’s ride on the Carbent and today’s ride on the quest is astounding.
With the race cap the quest is truly a ‘you are riding alone’ machine.
A half mile from the start of the KOM segment I was attaching today I threw the chain off the front chainring. This is the second time this has happened. I quickly put the chain back on the front and tested to make sure I did not also throw it off the rear chainring. I need to remember to let up on the leg power while shifting.
Once I got to the corner of Ronald Reagan and Williams I pulled into starting position to catch my breath and get everything prepared for the KOM attempt.
I put the video camera on the front hood. Battened down the race cap and made sure all the velcro straps were securely fastened. Don’t want the race cap to come off at 40 mph.
Waited at the stop sign for traffic to clear - and then floor it! - as if a quest can floor it :)
Attacking the KOM
There are five KOMs on this section of road. I already owned the longest overall one, I wanted a couple of the shorter ones that are included in the longer one.
I owned the longest KOM by 1 second - 29.2 mph. Although the winds were against me I managed to beat my old KOM by 11 seconds. I also pick up two of the other four KOMs.
I managed to get the gauges on the video to show speed, heart rate, cadence, distance, elevation and track.
Interesting things in the video:
- starting out trying to get up to speed.
- 3:34 passing a roadie at 40 mph
- 5:08 almost hit a deer at 30 mph
- 7:30 downhill @ 44 mph
- 10:52 exhaustion
The video is heavily annotated with what I was thinking the whole time and my ride strategy.