19 Aug 2014, 17:06

Quest - 58 miles, very windy

Rode to Salado for breakfast this morning. Winds were out of the south 20 mph gusting to 28 mph. Heading north from Georgetown to Salado was a blast - slightly downhill, wind at my back. Coming back from Salado directly into the wind was not as much fun.

Stopped at the Salado Stagecoach Inn cafe for a small breakfast.

Risse Shock

Yesterday the Risse Shock I ordered arrived in the mail.

Took about 15 minutes to replace the standard shock that shipped with the Quest when it was new 4 years ago.

Wow! What a difference this makes in the ride! No more yo-yo-ing when peddling hard. The Quest really tracks around corners now and the rear wheel just sticks to the ground like it is glued there.

If you don’t have one of these on your Quest you really need one.


bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/182467493


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/569051693

17 Aug 2014, 19:01

Quest - Easy ride in the heat

Short, easy ride today to work out last minute issues with riding in HHH100 next Saturday.

Cannot use the Keen sandals - too big - my feet tops either hit the front top sides or the bottom heel hits.

64 oz beer growler is better than the camelbak. When it is really hot the ice cold liquid from the stainless steel insulated growler is fantastic.

Got a lot of bugs on the outside of the Quest from the Cove House Classic ride - I’m going to have to wash and wax the Quest again tomorrow.


bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/181573777


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/567407816

16 Aug 2014, 13:50

Quest - Cove House Classic Ride Report (Video)

Saturday morning Robyn and I got up early and drove to Copperas Cove for the Cove House Classic.

Robyn did the modified 10 mile ride and I started out doing the 100k but quickly switched to the 50 mile route.

It was pretty hot already at the start of the ride - about 80 degrees. Before the ride was over the temperatures where just over a 100 degrees.

Lots of people asking questions about the Quest. Under 13 year old - “I want to ride the banana bike!”

Still trying to work out the kinks before HHH100.

Just before the ride start Robyn and I looking really fresh. Everything is all loaded up and ready to roll.

Start of the ride. Earlier in the week they had just chip-sealed the road. I mean really big stuff, newly laid down, with lots of loose gravel.

They modified all the routes to get off of the chip seal as quickly as possible (3 miles later).

Last year this was my first organized ride on the F-40. I made the mistake of lining up at the front of the pack. Everyone else lined up 20 yards behind me! I spent the first 5 miles riding the brakes because the motorcycle police escort did not want to leave everyone behind.

This year I was smarter. I lined up at the very back of the starting area. Again everyone lined up behind me - outside of the starting area! Finally the announcer said for everyone to move up to the beginning of the start area. I just sat there and waited for everyone to move past me.

I was almost the last one out of the starting area and got some good video of coasting by most of the slower riders.

The rough chip seal made really loud rumbling of the Quest. However, the Quest suspension on all three wheels made for a really smooth ride.

You’ll see me quickly take the middle lane and ride by most other riders in the first three miles.

Except for hills, this is what it is like riding the Quest with other uprights.

Pulling out of the parking lot you’ll see Robyn on her green Expedition on the right and a guy on a hand-cycle on the left.

About three miles in only the really fast riders are still in front of me. We turn right off of the chip seal and on to a really smooth road.

I quickly accelerate up to 30 to 40 mph and start passing even the really fast riders.

Around 9:30 am the temperatures get up the the high 90s. It is pretty tough climbing some of the longer, steeper hills. The Quest has a pretty low gear. After the ride, some of the riders mentioned getting off and walking up some of the steeper sections. For once, with the Quest, I did not have to get off and walk, I was able to crawl slowly up the hill at about 5 mph, spinning 70 rpm (because I did not have enough strength to spin any faster).

Outside of the heat the country side was beautiful!.

This picture is about 30 miles into the ride out in the middle of nowhere. Very pretty.

Because of the heat, and hills, I realized about the 25 mile mark that I was not going to be able to do the full 100k. Modify the plan - 50 mile route it is!

Even then, less than a mile from the end of the ride, I’m so tired I miss shift really badly and drop the chain. So I get out, put the Quest on its side, and put the chain back on the front chainring. Put the Quest upright, get back in, helmet back on, everything adjusted just right. The peddles just spin again! Bummer, the chain as also thrown off the back cassette also.

Ok, out of the Quest again, put the Quest on the side. Take the cover off the rear cassette area, put the chain back on the rear cassette.

Hey, I got an idea - lets spin the front peddles and make sure everything is working correctly before we upright the Quest and get back in!

I’m so tired now that I just slow peddle the last 8 tens of a mile to the finish.

Robyn has already finished awhile ago. Time to sit, gab about the ride and have a beer.


bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/181054838


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/566853483

15 Aug 2014, 11:33

Quest - Another easy ride

An easy out and back ride today. 391 miles so far on the Quest this month.

Probably tomorrow Robyn and I will do the Cove House Classic in Copperas Cove.


bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/180549889


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/565597508

13 Aug 2014, 12:51

Quest - A beautiful day for a ride

Another beautiful ride today. 65 miles @ 17.9 mph. A little hot towards the end, last hour and a half was over 100 degrees.

Looks like I’m ready for HHH100 this year. Although, I’m probably only going to do the 100K this year.

Stopped for some Gatorade at the Food Court strip center just south of Jarrell. Lots of people taking pictures of the Quest.

Never get tired of this view. Top of the hill at the junction of Ronald Reagan and IH35 looking back south on RR.


bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/179210075


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/564231726

12 Aug 2014, 04:04

Quest - Nice ride with Greg & Alexis

Another nice ride with Greg and Alexis.

Greg decided to push things some. It was a lot of fun but now my legs are pretty sore.

The last 10 miles are mostly slightly downhill with just two medium climbs. I never could drop him. Every time I looked in my rear view mirror he was still there.

Ride by the numbers Strava:

bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/179210075


bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/563707492

11 Aug 2014, 00:59

Quest - KOM again by one second - 5.2 miles @ 29.2 mph

Nice ride today with Alexis and Greg Gross who are here for a couple of days from Fort Worth.

Greg is faster than all get out, rides an M5, and has been encouraging me to try and retake the KOM I lost recently. Alexis is on a new Bacchetta CA 2 and is no slouch herself.

The Strava KOM Retake

So this morning (Sunday) we get up before sunrise and get the bikes ready to roll just as the sun comes up. The KOM segment is about 10 miles away which gives us a little over 30 minutes to warm up.

Temperatures started in the high 70s and before the ride was over we’d reach 113 on the black pavement.

At a decent pace we accomplish the 10 mile warm up and upon arriving at the start of the KOM segment Greg and I pull over to get everything ready to start the segment.

I get the Contour camera out and mount it to the side of my Giro Air Attach helmet. After the ride I find out the Contour camera’s storage card was full and I was not actually recording any video from the ride (bummer). I also put the Kayak style cockpit cover on for the first time while I’m in the Quest.

The Kayak style cockpit cover completely covers the hole in top of the Quest leaving just enough space for your head to stick out.

The top of the cover overlapped the bottom of the shield on the Giro Air Attack helmet by about 1/2 inch. There is also about 1/2 inch of space all around the sides my helmet.

Immediately after I start peddling the temps inside the Quest increase tremendously causing the shield to fog up.

I'm constantly tilting my head back and peeking out the bottom of shield so that I can at least see something ahead.

We start the segment and Greg is right on my butt. I’m peddling for all I’m worth trying not to get embarrassed by Greg and his M5. The Kayak cover obscures the view of my garmin and I have no idea what speed I am going, what my cadence is, or even how much my heart rate is zooming through the roof. Through the fogged up helmet shield I can see Greg hanging right on my butt and I’m wondering why I’m having such a hard time breathing.

Although I don’t know it at the time, I find out later looking at Strava that the first 1.7 miles of the segment I average 30.4 miles per hour and I am behind the KOM leader (Ryan Coover) by 6 seconds.

Ryan Coover - a very fast Cat3 Triathelete in Austin Texas
![bordered](/img/2014-08-10-coover.png "Picture")

The next part of the segment is the best downhill section with a couple of small hills. I’m able to get the speed of the Quest up over 40 mph and rollerize the small hills never dropping below 20 mph. My max speed on the segment is 43.2 mph. I absolutely crush this 2.2 mile segment averaging 31.6 mph - about 17 seconds faster than Coover. I also achieve my fastest ever one mile split on this segment with a one mile 36.4 mph average covering the mile in 1 minute and 39 seconds.

My fastest ever one mile split lap
![bordered](/img/2014-08-10-laps.png "Picture")

Now comes the last 4 percent grade hill and my lungs are bursting and the legs are feeling like lead. I reach up and pull the lip of the kayak cover down to just below my chin. I no longer care about the aerodynamics, I need to breath some fresh (80 degree) air while climbing the hill. I’m getting slower and slower and thinking the game is over, at this speed I don’t stand a chance of getting the KOM back.

I’m a little disappointed with my performance climbing that last hill. At the end of the Strava segment I immediately pull over, rip the kayak cover off and start trying to take some deep breaths. Is my heart ever going to stop pounding? I won’t know how I did on the Strave segment until much later in the afternoon with I upload the data to the Strava website.

BOOM! I take the KOM from Ryan by one second!

The Strava KOM segment - 5.2 miles at 29.2 mph.
[ ![bordered](/img/2014-08-10-kom.png "Click to see Strava Activity") ](http://www.strava.com/segments/3322479?filter=overall "strava")

It’s all about the bike. The Quest is a beast.

Onwards to Salado!

Much too soon Greg pulls up and then Alexis. Of course they want to keep riding further. I just want to lay in the grass and die. They trick me by first saying “lets just go a few more miles to ahead to IH35”, and then once we get there “lets just go a couple of more miles into Jarrell”, and then at Jarrell “how do you feel about going the rest of the way to Salado?”. We end up going another 20 miles further into Salado.

At Salado (33 miles into the ride) we stop at the Valero gas station and refill our water bottles but quickly get back onto the bikes to head back. It is now slightly uphill and slightly into the wind. The temperatures are starting to get hot. Pulling into Jarrell on the way back we stop at the new strip center and spend some time in the air conditioned food court refilling our water bottles with Gatorade.

Inside the quest in the shade (but close to the pavement) my garmin is reading 113 degrees. I’m peddling as easy as I can. There is only another 22 miles left to go. Twinges of cramps here and there. I’m popping endurolyte pills like crazy and on the downhills I’m able to really stretch my legs to keep they somewhat loose.

Sometime around noon, in the middle of the heat, I’m trying to change screens on the garmin and I’m having all kinds of trouble swiping my finger across the front of the screen. I notice all this crud all over the front of the garmin - it was very crusty. The screen of the garmin turned out to be covered with salt from all the sweating! Fortunately, I had a dry rag to wipe the salt from the screen.

We stop a few times along side the road to just cool off. Finally, the last hill before getting home, climbing up from the bottom of the dam on DB Wood, I have to put the Quest in the lowest gear and spin as easy as possible (4.5 mph) up the hill so that I don’t cramp up into a pretzel.

What a wonderful day!

There is nothing like riding with friends. We ended up having a great time and covering 66 miles. It takes us some amount of time to cool down and take a shower. But then on to the biker bar (Hardtails Bar and Grill) for a well deserved beer and good lunch.

Aerodynamic Improvements

Yesterday on FB Charles Snyder (Portland Oregon) had given me some good advice on increasing the aerodynamics of the Quest. So I spent a little time washing and polishing the Quest. Fitting the Kayak style cockpit cover and exploring how it works. Putting the cover into the rear left wheel well so I could use it during the KOM segment.

I must say it was probably these adjustments that got me enough of those precious seconds to get the KOM back.

Ride by the numbers Strava:

bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/178350023

Lost 10 miles on the garmin because I forgot to restart the garmin after stopping for drinks in Jarrell.

bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/562334324

09 Aug 2014, 01:25

Quest - Increasing the aerodynamics

This is list of things I need to do to the Quest to improve the aerodynamics.

This list has been gathered from several others on FB and BROL.

I’ll up date this list from time to time as I gather more information.

From Charles Snyder (Portland Oregon)

Too bad you don’t have a hood yet… : ) Cruising 40+ would be easy in the first half of the stretch. You should have your black rain cap, use it, it will be a bit warm, but results are comparable to a a hood. Seriously though…

I pedal out at about 45 mph, doing 120 rpms, so you have plenty of power available.

Your first challenge will be to accelerate to 30+ before hitting 2238 Street, or Williams drive. You have a climb, then a very short lead of a hill before you HAVE to be doing 30+. Maintain 35+ going downhill, this will allow you a little leeway when climbing back up the first hill. Second hill is a 4% grade or so, bang on that speed as much as you can and hold it as long as you can while climbing that second hill. If you can hit 45-50 mph, you’re golden. If at any time you do pedal out, tuck your head in as much as you can and coast. Get your feet and pedals inside the velo. This should help you get the speed you need to climb the last hill.

Be sure to wash and wax the velo. Wash in the insides of the wheel wells too. Even a little dirt will slow down a velo. If you can, lighten your load as much as possible. A follow van that can carry your extra water and tools would help. Don’t know your fueling plan, I generally use gel packets etc, and be sure to consume 2 while your climbing up the hill to the start point.

This may be a bit ghetto, but you can attain another mph or two by taping a piece of cardboard the length of rear well, closing in as much as you can without touching the wheel.

Willie Hunt I use a 100 watt hour LiIon pack 3s4p 12.6 volt fully charged.

Willie Hunt I’m using old SureFire Beast batteries that were taken out of service. However, you can buy ready made packs of all AmpHour ratings. I’d recommend www.hobbyking.com or www.batteryspace.com

Just ordered battery pack from https://www.batteryspace.com Order Number: 368065

Willie Hunt I used a “Unibit” to drill the holes: http://www.harborfreight.com/catalogsearch/result?q=unibit

08 Aug 2014, 15:42

Quest - Legs are getting stronger

Had a good ride today. After a day of rest the legs were definitely humming.

Got the new garmin cadence sensor install on the Quest. No magnets! Completely eliminated all cadence spikes.

However my cadence is about 5 rpm lower - probably because it takes so long for me to accelerate and I spend significant time at lower rpms. I’ll have to try shifting only when the rpms go over 95 and see how that works.

I did a test of the climbing section of the Strave KOM I lost to the Cat 3 racer when he had a 21 mph tailwind gusting to 30 mph.

With no wind, up the climb, I came within 3 seconds of his time.

If I can keep up with him on the climbing section then I should be able to beat him on the downhills.

Greg Gross with his wicked fast M5 is coming over and early Sunday morning before it gets hot we are going to try and get the KOM back.

This is a 0.9 mile segment mostly uphill - but you get to accelerate up to max speed just before it starts. By the time I’m hitting the end I’m “crawling” along at 21 mph.

bordered http://www.strava.com/segments/3453944?filter=overall

bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/177281561

bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/559992112

06 Aug 2014, 17:24

Quest - Stopped by the Sheriff


Less than a week and already pulled over by the motorcycle sheriffs department - after I had to pull out into the traffic lanes to avoid hitting them and all the cars they had pulled over for speeding.

Officer: You do not need to get your license out. Do you know why we pulled you over? Me: No

Officer: The law in Texas requires bicyclists to ride on the shoulder of the road. Me: You were in the way and I did not want to hit you.

Officer: Stay in the shoulder when possible. Have a nice day.

Then we chatted a bunch about the Quest.

Ask him if I could take his picture with his motorcycle - no problem.


Beautiful day for a ride! Although, it is starting to get a little hot with temps in the mid-to-high nineties. The quest has a headlight, I’m going to have to try riding early in the morning before the sun comes up.

Here is a picture of the half way point just as I turned around to head back down the hill.


Bike Changes

Finally the chain is adjusted correctly. Good shifting all gears.

Hung the camelbak over the rear seat hanger. Works great.

bordered http://www.strava.com/activities/176337554

bordered http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/558613952